Monday, July 19, 2010

Being Everywhere

The recent dust up with the NAACP and the Tea Party provides and opportunity for Black Americans to not remind on the sidelines and watch the movement but to join the parade and become architects of the outcomes of the Tea Party Movement.

Given the mandate of the NAACP their posture towards the Tea Party was not unexpected but instead of just indicting the shortcomings of the Tea Party it is also constructive to illuminate the potential and merits of this movement.

In our history the majority has always started out as exclusionary yet some of the themes of the Tea Party have merit with regard to the policies of our government. Our nation is stronger when the entire electorate participates. Black Americans must always be present when our interests are in play. We need to be in the Tea Party it is the American way.


Constructive Feedback said...

Brother Thrasher:

I actually disagree with you on this one.

In my observations of our people's political activism I have noted 2 domains that must be considered:

* The American Political Domain

* The Community Cultural Consciousness & Competency Development Domain.

The GOP, Dems and Tea Party operates in domain #1. The majority of our problems are in #2.

The NAACP is lost and now operates 90% of its focus in #1.

Instead of working to guide the Tea Party we as conscious Black Americans who are not willing to allow our interests to be hijacked any longer need to be focused on directed all who CLAIM to be operating in our best interests toward the CCC&CD domain. This is where the most egregious neglect can be found.

These operatives can only be countered by forces these organizations back toward our permanent interests, snatching away their ability to cherry pick.

Plane Ideas said...


Your talking points have some merit..The NACCP is not an economic force and I have no problem with its mission...

I do agree with you on #2 domain focus...You are on to something there