Monday, March 14, 2016

Occupy America

The contempt for Poor Black, Brown, White and other  Americans  continues to be a real time fixture in America in both the private and public sector. Our goverment from the local to the State and Federal levels are soaked in this mindset and have been for decades.The private sector continues to manifest this posture with its rejection of any pleas for basic living wages etc.

It is also a reality that many Americans both rich and poor collaborate , support and affirm this contempt especially when there is a financial issue or a criminal justice issue at play. Far to many Americans could care less about the living conditions of the poor and even more advocate for the disparity in policing and justice in our nation especially when the suspects are Black and Brown Americans.

Michigan's EM Legislation was in part a template for the nation a twisted acknowledgement of the reality of a post industrial 'rust belt' era in Michigan and interactive practice of the soft bigotry of low expecatations for urban cities with Black and Brown elected officials. Both themes shared the space of disdain and contempt for the cities saddled with EM operatives.

The Flint, MI saga is a direct outcome of the nature of affairs in America circa 2016 from our inept government to our corrupt private sector to wounded communities unable to handle the streams of decay. America is better than this our very essence as a nation demands that we take hold of our country and righ its wrongs now or we will destroy ourselves from within.

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How could Flint and Detroit, both run by emergency managers appointed by Gov. Snyder, fail to reach a water deal that?