Tuesday, February 12, 2019

State of Virginia -2019

The recent meltdown in Virginia reflects a collage of America’s race, gender, class and politics grounded in the state of Virginia. It is fair to declare that every state in our union mirrors the maladies that exist in America.  Our nation is reeling from the inability of Americans to mature and evolve on Race, Gender, Class and Politics. Our elected officials in truth do reflect the mandates and demographics of their constituents. This reflection includes, immorality, corruption as well as the inspiration and altruism of their constituents.


Virginia’s elected officials in Richmond have failed for years in confronting the racism and legacy of Virginia. The entire legislative body of Virginia including the Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General, as well as both Black and White elected members of the Virginia Legislature have done nothing in years to end the racist tribute to Lee and Jackson before the MLK Holiday in Virginia. The continuing racial divisions in Virginia is not just an aspect of the Southern region of the state the Northern region of Virginia is also soaked in backward racial attitudes and behaviors.


Women in any region of the state are discounted and weary of the realities of sexual harassment and being treated with less parity than men especially Women of Color in Virginia others in Virginia from its immigrant citizens to be handicapped and seniors in the state are also marginalized and their basic humanity is often held in contempt. Virginia’s public and private business sectors also mirror the demographics of the state as well as it waves of prosperity and lulls. The administration of Justice in Virginia echoes the nation’s shortcomings as well yet the state has endless private and public focused charities and volunteers that don’t forget the plight of the homeless and the poor. All is not in despair and gloom in the commonwealth of Virginia.


Virginia of course is not the Confederate state of its past it has matured, evolved and left many of the scars of its history behind. The state continues to be a work in progress it is not a canvass of decay and regression.


The way forward for Virginia is not be contaminated by the missteps of its elected officials and voters.  Plane Ideas is not giving up on the Commonwealth of Virginia.