Friday, October 11, 2019

New US Constitution ASAP

Our nation is in a political and social crisis brought about from both the ineptitude of our politicians and dismal leadership outside the electoral sphere. America is in a state of paralysis unable to mature and evolve as a modern sovereign nation.

Every public and private space sphere in the nation is under stress and in some venues under siege.Our educational and justice systems are soaked in racial and class disparities. Our economics are contaminated by inequitable disparities in wealth. America is experiencing an era of fragility and the absence of stability especially in our governance. In social and private spaces in the nation families are in a state of collapse from opiate drugs to the economics of securing shelter and health care options. In the public arena civility and decency are under assault. Progressive ideas in educational venues are ridiculed and undermined by the ineptitude and dismal shortcomings of those in state legislatures that fund our educational systems in America .

It is critical despite the speculative and fear mongering of Constitutional scholars this quest for a Constitutional Convention needs to become viral.America must engage in a transformative  and profound strategy to alter and fundamentally change the governance model and blueprint on goverment in our nation.

We need a Constitutional Convention after our national elections. The last constitutional convention was in 1787 and it lead to the creation of our US Constitution. A document that is inherently flawed and constructed because its drafters did not include the genius of Women, Black and Native Americans and others in its composition and design.

This flawed and mediocre constitution codified slavery, anti voter provision ( Electoral College) and omitted concrete language and provisions which valued our environment and the rights of women and animals as well as other profound matters involving religion and the right to death, as well issues involving justice and declarations of war.

The US Constitution is obsolete and a document of obstruction,  in its current state its prevents and hampers the maturation and evolution of a sovereign nation in the 21 Century. Today we have the capacity to have national referendums that reflect the will of the people not the agenda of politicians, lobbyists and the uber rich.

We need governance that prohibits life time tenure for SCOTUS and federal judges. We need a revised constitution that limits the power of the executive branch. We need a constitution that mandates an election process that allows for on demand elections of federal elected officials . We need a constitution that alters and calibrates the branches of government in our federal space including a change in the composition of the senate and the end of imperialism in federal courts as well.

The governance model and blueprint designed over centuries ago by a narrow bandwidth of White only Americans has matured and created a sovereignty crisis in America. Right here and Right now we have the ability to alter the trajectory of America.  The US Constitution has been amended 27 times  since the charter of America was written .

We can’t wait to revise our constitution it is critical that we act now to revive the soul of America starting with a constitutional convention to restore the trust in our governance model and those who are elected stewards of our republic.

God Bless America

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Murder by Cop via Home Invasion in America

Once again by any means necessary an unarmed Black American was executed in America by a White police officer this time in his home .

This latest unlawful killing of an unarmed Black American included a trial where the Black Judge showered pro cop rulings , hugs and a bible on the killer cop. The judge’s bailiff even combed the hair of the killer cop. 

Unfortunately the brother of the deceased wrapped his self around the killer and gave a passionate hug during the sentencing phase with the Judge’s aggressive approval. It was an outrageous display of disgrace and selfishness on behalf of the deceased’s brother.

Forgiveness was weaponized to kill the deceased in a courtroom in America and rejoice was in air all on the soul of another unarmed Black American. I feared the Judge and the deceased brother was going to take a selfie.

It is disheartening and unsettling to witness such deprivation in a courtroom in America