Saturday, April 7, 2012

Police - Community Partnership Project


In Detroit as well as other urban venues the relationship between the police and the community is fractured and disjointed for a multitude of reasons ranging from allegations of police brutality to acute levels of mistrust of police by large segments in the community. Quite often police are not viewed as public servants but as mercenaries with an agenda to arrest and harass rather than protect and serve.

Given this disconnect many interests have tried to bridge the gap between the police and community through a variety of outreach programs from gun buybacks to neighborhood watch programs. Many of these programs have value many are hollow photo op efforts.

Plane Ideas© has created a threshold project paradigm that takes the relationship between the community and the police into a deeper organic partnership. We have developed an interactive project that has our volunteers making individual house calls to every household in the city to provide them with information and opportunities to assist the police. Our volunteers deliver to the household detailed crime web based crime incident reports tailored to the various zip codes. We distribute information on crime prevention, safety, surveillance, witness, recruitment efforts on behalf of the police department.

We have created a paradigm which implements and interactive exchange and dialogue between the citizens and the police department. We believe our approach will be the cutting edge template for police and the community relations and a national model for community policing in the new postindustrial urban era.

Goal: To reduce crime and increase safety in Detroit by the operation of this interactive community based partnership model that incorporates a volunteer infused distribution and interactive exchange portal between the police and the community.

Capsule Description: A volunteered based partnership with DPD wherein the project volunteer’s home visit and door knock protocols permit the real time interaction with every precinct resident and provide every household with core information on the DPD services from victim assistance programs, crime prevention ,safety ,materials, crime incident data to specific information on police officers in their neighborhood/precincts.

1. Connect directly with residents households on DPD duties, services, and activities of the department
2. Develop a data base of residents that will interact with police on safety, crime prevention, and related police activities
3. Provide residents with DPD materials and contact information
4. Recruit residents in crime indicatives, Intel, rewards, information, gang related activities, property crime fences
5. Foster respect and trust between residents & DPD
6. Connect local precinct rank & file to residents in tract
7. Provide residents with latest web based crime data on incidents of crimes in their neighborhood.
8. Provide residents with most wanted list of suspects, to missing people alerts, crime trends in neighbor
9. Provide residents information on traffic tickets, fines, towing costs and related neighborhood ordinances
10. Seek from resident’s feedback to solutions to combat crime and to enhance public safety in the city.

The criteria for the composition of the volunteers will be determined by DPD and Project Manager. Focus on seniors and no residency requirement. We accept all who seek to make a difference.

Detroit Police Citizen Representatives aka DPCR are a corps of volunteers who after workshop training engaged in a door to door contact and informational /material drop exchange within the community.

1. Volunteers undergo a training workshop sessions on how to meet-greet- leave materials-document visit. Workshop sessions include DPD trainers, pledge taking, and assignment of official shirt/jacket.

2. Designate canvassing areas based upon DPD precincts alignments.

Costs/Budget: TBD
1. Grants
2. Sponsorships

Evaluation: TBD

MISC: -Synergy with other non-profits-Platform for other projects

Presentation Prepared by PLANE IDEAS©
Greg Thrasher
Project Manager

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