These are perilous times in America facts and truth confront the politics of Disinformation, Propaganda , Historical Revisionists. America in many quarters is occupied by operatives that engaged in factual amnesia on purpose. These assaults on reality and truth have numerous conductors and architects from politicans to educators. These culprits are in every layer of academia from our public classrooms in our local school auditoriums to the lecture halls of our universities .These propagandists and revisionists occupy the meeting halls of public buildings to the most powerful rooms in our state and federal offices.
In the private sector of America there is scripted artificial intelligence anchored by faux analytics coupled with the approval of lobbyists and publicists for government and elected officials. Reality is under assault by those wearing uniforms and embraced with powerful credentials and titles.
Intellectual pursuit and inquiries into boundary free reasoning are attacked as being unpatriotic in the arena of government and viewed as blasphemy in the corridors of our religious terrains. In our educational venues our classroom texts are littered with scripted historical and quasi scientific detours and questionable curriculum.
Subject matter which chronicles slavery, genocide and our own domestic holocausts suffer from omission or commissioned doctored agenda driven by political correctness context and objectives. Academic Freedom is no longer consider the foundation of scholarship but is attacked by those who seek to silence minorities and activists.
Words matter in America more that anytime in our history. Agenda's driven by politicians that are in concert with White Nationalists flood the social networks and threads of our internet with regularity and mission driven objectives . Our media platforms are under severe duress from external forces hacking thier content to social network platforms trading in treason for a fee.
From daily scripts of Fake News populating our prime time media platforms to the publicists that supply our elected officials and bureaucrats with content and reality is no longer a given it has been replaced with artifical intelligence.
There is a crisis in America born out of the end of Facts. Who will be our first responders to this crisis? Will it be our reporters, editors, teachers, writers, activists ?