Yet again in America, Black Americans are under peril because of the hue of our skin. Black Americans like others in America encounter a variety of threats and concerns surrounding issues of safety and fear many of course don’t have our legacy of being enslaved in America
It is factual that in far too many Black American venues and zip codes the violence is internal, personal and destructive. Yet with regards to race our nation has a long and ugly violent legacy of violating sacred places and venues of Black Americans from churches to places of entertainment and shopping centers.
This latest threat and peril is historical and imbedded into the legacy of America where Black lives were defined as unworthy of dignity and legally per our most sacred document the constitution Black Americans were fractional human beings. Efforts by Insurrectionists are just as dangerous and destructive as those perpetrators of domestic violence against Black Americans.
Slavery brought with it fugitive slave laws, and the origins of the modern day police in America. Recently our capital of the USA of America celebrated a holiday where slave owners were paid to free us and the IRS pushed back tax returns in homage to this racist celebration in our nation’s capital.
We must confront yet another period in our country where Black Americans are under siege , in peril and in mortal fear for our lives. We must craft a series of national laws, national policies and plans that can be implemented timely to protect Black Americans.
The FBI has issue warnings to religious facilities, historical sites as well as sporting events as such I expect Black Americans should be given the same threat level alerts given that our visibility is more apparent and makes us more in peril than any other group or collective in America since slavery.
In the post industrial world we have cyber marketplaces that barters in electronic streams of hate driven commodities these same instruments of ether commerce are used to cultivate and harvest hate and violence that frequently targets Black Americans.These websites weaponize adherents to become lethal human drone missiles with targeted scripts to kill and maimed frequently minorities especially Black folks .
The way forward here is too look both ways events of the past inform present day currencies. Targeted bandwidths must have the ability and then capacity to protect and save the lives of our families and ourselves .
The imperative here is to not only survive this perilous era of America but to reject, defeat and conquer any and all perils than endanger our humanity including those who seek to become Insurrectionists to those that are contaminated with hate on a mission to destroy