Wednesday, March 5, 2025

We the People

It is extremely difficult for me to comprehend why the Trump regime can’t understand that our government works for the people of America 

Our government is not our adversary and it is duty bound by our constitution to provide goods and services to promote the general welfare of the people of AMERICA 

The assault by the Trump regime on the capacity and ability to conduct its constitutional duties is not only a breach of our constitutional but a pursue that will lead to a catastrophic collapse of our government and society 

We cannot allow this course of actions to continue 

God Bless America

Here and There

       ‘Spaces full of cheer won’t allow despair to feel the air

       Places occupied with glee won’t allow misery to be free

        Moments of endless bliss  work to ease the anxiety of uncertainty 

         Here and There will forever always remain to fill the void 

        ‘Spaces  full of cheer won’t allow despair to feel the air

Monday, March 3, 2025

Surviving Trump Regime..Workshop #2


Surviving Trump Regime 2.0 - Workshop #2

The election of Trump as POTUS has resulted in consequences that are beyond the pale of good governance for America .

Workshop #2 will focus on tangible and practical ideas,  resources and strategies to resist and navigate the Trump Regime 2.0

Uncivil war against Federal Workers

Presently in America the executive branch of  our government is waging a war against the federal bureaucracy and in particular its federal workers.

The uncivil war is decimating families and careers of federal workers that have given our country their best to observe this uncivil war create chaos within the federal bureaucracy is unprecedented and unacceptable 

There are many participants who are waging this war including politicians , judges, media and of course citizens of America 

To end this uncivil war against our federal bureaucracy and its workers requires a comprehensive strategy that begins Now

More to come….