Tuesday, November 24, 2009


I want to give ME some love and affirmation to exist in/on this place called earth..I will continue to harvest and cultivate to embrace my inner thoughts and actions that create a passion in me that values all things wonderful about me....

I want to share and acknowledge all of those who interact with me...I want to look them in the eye and let all know that when the are in my orbit life is alive and bliss rules my world....

Thank You..Thanksgiving....I am always ready to love, to share, to embrace, to be...

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Detroit Politics

I have major reservations about the nature and quality of the outcome of elections in this region and in Detroit. Voter turnout was disappointing even in suburban elections. In the city we now have an all Black city council. This lack of diversity cannot be viewed as progressive.

A financially challenged gay candidate who has never confronted homophobia in many Black religious venues was elected this disappoints on so many levels. The passage of an educational funding proposal which continues to dump money into a failed school district is not a progressive development it echoes a theme of desperation and a misguided belief that educational outcomes are about money and not fundamentally driven educational agendas.

Fact is over 85% of the electorate in the city did not elect or approved of these new public officials. Educational progress is never the result of spending money. When the last vote was cast has our region really improved?