Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Flint, MI- Resettlement and Occupy

The saga of Flint, MI is a living hell for the residents . The contamination of the Flint's water has shaken the very foundation of residents of the city. The health and future of the children of Flint remains in peril. A massive segment of the plumbing in the homes of Flint residents have lead pipes and the homes are not fit for human occupation.

I. The staff of Plane Ideas proposes the following:

- Create an inventory of  housing in the suburbs of Flint (single homes, condos, apartments )
- Relocate the residents of Flint into these housing stocks
- Rebuild the housing stock of Flint without the lead pipes in the plumbing

II. State of Michigan Obligations:

-The costs of the relocation to be underwritten by the State of Michigan, including rents, leases, moving expenses, payment of mortgages and lease obligations on existing homes of Flint residents
-The costs of transportation to new schools, doctor appointments will be underwritten by the State of Michigan
- Terms of rentals to be uniform ( Leases to last until  new housing stock in Flint is completed)

III. Remarks:

- Improved housing stock
- Improved schools-
- Improved standard of living
- Improved employment options


Anonymous said...

Except the water systems and the houses in Flint suburbs have lead pipes too!

Plane Ideas said...

They have different water systems that supplies water to their households

Anonymous said...

Go bigger. To begin to repair and compensate for the damages caused, we should re-imagine Flint entirely as a city where everyone will want to be. Make it a super-fund site and ignite a national project to develop a next-generation sustainable city with state of the art infrastructure from transportation, to housing, to energy. This could be a model for renewing the long-neglected rust belt and provide a proving ground and showcase for sustainable technologies. This effort should employ every Flint resident and include job training and apprenticeships in sustainable technologies.