Wednesday, August 28, 2019


Given the angst and criticism of the BLM Movement it is incumbent to recognize that White Lives in America don’t require a movement to secure their safety, presence and agency in America. The data and overwhelming empirical evidence continues to confirm that White Lives have always Mattered in America for centuries.

What is more important and salient than the acknowledgement of the reality of White Lives in America is how can others achieve and secure such station,  status and identity in America as Whites have secured in America from economic dominance  to massive political power.

Rather than wage an uncivil war with White America on the merits of which lives matter for those of us who are not White our focus encompasses much more than seeking parity  and standing with Whites in America but more importantly our agenda which includes defining and creating what matters to us is paramount to any contest of racial identity and hegemony.

When it is necessary to confront the privileges and status of Whites in our pursuits of our inalienable rights to life, liberty and happiness this where our focus must not be strategic and outcome driven but centered on our core agenda while also having the dexterity to manage the agenda and realties that White Americans have with us.

Black Americans in particular must abandon the backward math equations that require us to be three times as worthy of White Americans in our pursuits and efforts to achieve our goals in America. The genius of persona in America continues to perpetuate our existence in America.

Black Lives have always mattered in America. The most important aspect of this reality is the acknowledgment and acceptance within Black America of our value and essence . This recognition and affirmation is the way forward for Black America.

In America today with all of its competing interests the way forward requires not only an attitude that transcends the history of racial narratives but multiple platforms which invent, expand, cultivate the genius of Black America while knowing White Lives Matter in America.


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