Monday, April 6, 2020

Virus -Thoughts at Large

Virus & Race Issues

Yes it is a topic that requires discussion of late especially in urban venues in America. There  is a twisted and nasty narrative which is inserting  race in this pandemic .

It encompasses race from the scapegoating of Chinese to Black folks living in cities like Detroit, Chicago, NYC, Philadelphia etc as having extreme rates of Virus contamination as compared to Whites in rural and suburban communities.

Some of the discourse includes an acknowledgment of economics and the historical aspect of economic inequities including jobs that don’t provide adequate sick leave for the working poor to housing venues which lack hospitals , healthcare facilities etc. Too much of the narrative is negative and divisive.

There are many  people living in urban venues whose life styles and cultural experiences are being targeted for the disproportionate rates of the Virus infections .

Of course many of these analysis are myopic and driven by the optics of bigotry and the absence of historical facts. For example most middle class Black folks living in suburbs will get the Virus because many still have deep extended families and relationships with their families in our urban ghettos that impact the community spread of the Virus.

Social distancing works but it requires a run way and calibration of time and reality to reach its maximum objectives.

We of course cannot be in denial that many people regardless of race will engage in self destructive behaviors including unwarranted social gatherings.

The Virus of course does not care about historical social realities of our nation and society. The Virus is truly an EEO proposition

B Safe wherever U R


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