Saturday, January 16, 2021

Media Supremacy

 Major Media Platforms Monopoly of Discourse. 

It is critical and incumbent among Americans especially minorities to explore an array of media outlets and their presentations and coverage of the insurrection and related topics

Far too often the major media platforms are lacking diversity in pundits, journalists , editors and reporters as they roll out post analysis coverage on the spectrum of the insurrection so much is generic and redundant 

From PBS, NPR, CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, FOX as well as major print publications like NYT, WAPO, LA Times, WSJ and other major regional media outlets this script in being played out daily 

There is a disproportionate volume of White Talking Heads and Guests offering nothing more than uniform inferences, opinions  , speculation and scripted narratives with political agendas 

When the reality of Race intersects with these media platforms there is also a vacuum of diverse perspectives and insights as well as people of color on these platforms 

It is rare indeed to observe Black, Hispanic, Asians and Native Americans on these platforms including of course also the presence of gender gaps 

At the end of the day our voices , stories , opinions and insights must not be allowed to be compromised and Whitewashed and marginalized by these media platforms 

We must find venues, platforms and other spaces to express our voices especially now after this insurrection and the reality of a new POTUS in 2021


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