Sunday, February 16, 2025

Practical Ideas for the Vulnerable in Urban Venues

 Many people are falling in the cracks of safety nets…The staff @ PI have developed some ideas to assist in this situation 

More to come 


-Independent Collectives that weekly contact public agencies to get status on their ER programs
-Mobile units of volunteers funded by churches, fraternities and sororities to go into venues , off the grid locations and report on people living in ‘at risk locations’
-Develop a list of buildings and facilities that can be opened in dangerous climates with signage advising the community they are open 
-HO Associations that open up their club houses during extreme climate conditions for vulnerable families and people 
-Creation of public signage for public agencies and others to inspect and have knowledge and location of these neighbourhoods and venues and are easily reportable and monitored 

To Be Continued:

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