Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Evolution of the End......

To many of late are ranting over the future of the media and how life as we know it will never been the same because some many pillars of society are falling daily under the pressures of a global world..

I take the approach that the end of something is not always a negative but a position that some things should die and be destroyed for the good. From my platform I view the demise of cities, corporations, values, principles, and even life are truths which deserve to die.

I have no intention of sweating over the end of things, I perfer to bring in the birth of new ideas, cities, truths and life.....

1 comment:

Michael Barker said...

I read your post on Lessenberry and decided to check you out. Much to my surprise, I found your observations interesting and down right lyrical at times. I mostly expected a name caller and god I've heard enough of that but you've got a lot more to you than what little bit I've read of you on Lessenberry. Congrats, interesting writing ain't easy.
