Monday, February 6, 2012

How to Survive & Develop in an Urban Society: The Blueprint

As an activist for almost four decades at the core of my body of work and mission is the creation of a user friendly interactive guide that provides a template for living the best possible life as human being in an urban environment.

Activism as a public endeavor has a legacy of defining problems yet Activism also has failed legacy of  not producing and creating outcomes that address the issues and shortcomings of a society.  Plane Ideas is unlike any progressive organization in the country today. We provide an interactive hands on series of instructions for creating and producing outcomes that matter and address the myriad of shortcomings in urban venues for all.

Plane Ideas : 10 point  Interactive Blueprint  to survive and develop in an Urban Society.

1. Let the community know who U R

2. Interact with the Young and Old in the Community

3. Volunteer in the Community

4. Read everything that circulates in the neighborhood from newspapers to local blogs  

5. Create a ‘Safe House’ in the community 

6. Share with others in the community from coupons to ride sharing.

7. Develop an weekly newsletter for the community 

8. Find a Friend that is not of your RACE in the community 

9. Know the police officers in your neighborhood.

10.Report all crime incidents to the police 



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