Sunday, October 28, 2018

Black & Blue

I know you are there .... I can feel your presence... I want to run for cover.... Ignoring you and pretending you will go away is not going to cut it
You are so pervasive and impactful I cringe knowing how deep you have penetrated my shield .... I have witnessed up close and personal your scent and its stench
Carving your mark and leaving fragile footprints Yeah you leave quite a scar very few bandages will repair what you have broken
This time however when you come for me I am prepared... I have my arsenal swollen with confidence, assurance, family and friends have emboldened me with firewalls of hope, commitment and unconditional love

Depression I dare you now to enter my fortress .....


Saturday, June 2, 2018

Mission : American Renaissance of Compassion

America is soaked and baked in a good surreal aura of disdain and disregard for the basic dignity and compassion for each other. This state of America is suffocating the spirit of every generation in our collective human tree. Many are lost and drowning in this sea of meaningless and raw contempt for the very essence of being human. We have violated the irrevocable inner trust our souls need to develop and survive as human beings.

This ethos and zeitgeist of not caring for the humanity and dignity of all souls living and unborn in our country is making life in our nation a daily struggle to avoid the contagion of not caring and intentional ignorance of the plight of others. We must have the courage and integrity stand in front of the avalanche of hate and contempt that is contaminating the very atmosphere of living of late in America. Americans must refuse to retreat to the abyss of compassion avoidance.

I am going to call upon the very essence of my soul to release within my being the capacity to harvest compassion and regards for others from my adversaries to the strangers that wear the faces of broken hearts and frustrated failures and hopeless and wounded experiences that find them balcony of finite.

Please join me and together let’s harvest and then cultivate the passion and reservoir of humanity that that occupies the soul of our persona. I am not afraid to wrap myself around myself as I begin this quest to bring love and compassion back to America one person, one moment , one second in every day and breath of America.

Hang on my friends hold your head up high don’t give up help is on the way......


Thursday, April 19, 2018

Winning Black in the Trump Era

In the Trump Era of America there has been a public resurgence of disdain, disregard and disparities for many especially the poor and those in the margins of America. Minorities have also be subject to public displays of bigotry and regressive attitudes and behaviors. This is especially true for Black Americans of late.

It is critical that new strategies emerged to defeat this toxic environment. We propose that these strategies begin with the acknowledgment that retreat, apathy and surrender is not an option in any situation.

For starters it is imperative that any idea or proposal to combat the Era of Trump must not be a reactionary position but a posture that is organic and proactive. Our stragies must survive the Trump Era.  America as well most benefit from our focus on prospering as Black Americans in the Trump Era such a mission focus will only enhance the outcome of our strategies.

To be continued......

Thursday, January 25, 2018

New Age Educational Model for Urban Schools in America

The staff of Plane Ideas focuses on a wide spectrum of issues and constructs in America. We examine our political, economic, educational, criminal justice system and the like. Of late in America the academic outcomes in our urban aka Black and Brown school systems have been dismal and reflect a profound reality for our students and the trajectory of the future of America.

The staff of Plane Ideas has created a range of proposals and constructs which we believe can alter the very foundation of superior academic outcomes in our urban school districts in America.

We propose the following:

-Teachers visiting homes of students to examine the environment and provide parents with real time academic progress reports and educational tips for parents to support and augment the academic outcomes of their children outside the school building

-Immersion curriculums which teach one subject matter the entire school day in a pace that works for the variety of student learning skills in the classroom

-Removal of students from distressed venues into dorms off site to rural venues.

-Seniors with career credentials inside each classroom to assist in lesson plans and character development

-Students executing incentive laden contracts for designated academic outcomes with specific target and rewards for achievement of the educational targets

-Offsite instructional education and vocation experiences from visits to industrial sites to university campuses

-Insertion of educational workspaces in the homes of students living in distressed urban venues