Tuesday, March 2, 2021

The Politics of Art

 For many the presence of a beautiful work of art on a canvas or the sound of  music helps one navigate in a terrain of negative surroundings and situations.

  Often an escape in the landscape of words in a novel or the viewing of a video or performance art helps sooth the persona in presence of negativity both psychological and political.

Yet the presence of Art that seeks to involve pain and contempt and evil is real and also a part of the terrain of life,those that reject the esoteric aspect of Art are often subject to righteous indignation .

   From historical photographs of lynchings to twisted racial caricatures or profound paintings of religious figures that exclude the faces of diversity far to often the role of Art is political and destructive when it is weaponised . Politicians used the music of artists to peddle propaganda and disinformation in their political campaigns.

 In the words of profound writings there are  words and profanity laced with racist epitaphs that have been glorified and celebrated with tributes and awards. Students are compelled to render attention and respect for authors that compose language that is dehumanizing but is  protected the canons of Academic Freedom 

   Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and so is the right to condemn, censor , sanction and even ban Work of Arts that wound and bring pain and sorrow and despair to its audience 


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