Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Black Americans input MIA on Russia

 Consider this … 

Rarely is there ever a Black American in the media or on other platforms where our opinions on foreign policy is considered 

The current saga with Russia and the Ukraine is a classic example of where our voices are not only MIA but not even considered 

Historically this is a tradition of American politics during the Apartheid Era of South Africa there was never any conversations in our government about intervening in South America to end its oppression of its citizens and domination of neighbors nations 

During the genocide in Rwanda then President Clinton refuse to even contemplate an intervention to save lives

NATO and similar global collaborations have never intervened in America to assist Black Americans during our centuries of oppression

Russians matter more to Americans than Africans, Asians, Mexicans, Eskimos there is a theme here and a reason 

I see it .. Can U???


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