Tuesday, August 15, 2023

American Racism

There can never be an end to racism anywhere in the world, in fact racism is a human condition part of the landscape of humanity. 

Racism especially towards Black Americans and Non Whites continues to flourish in America, it remains a staple of many from politicians on the right to endless web sites and millions and millions and millions of individuals in America both wealthy and poor.

Partisan politics are soaked with campaigns and marketing that inserts endless messaging about the value of culture , economics and race all within the social context of politics. 

Depending of which political spectrum one is on Race has a factor in the Electoral calculation. Liberals, Conservatives, Libertarians, Independents all have a racial agenda .

The question is for the voter depending on their racial demographics which politicians will enhance their standing in America based upon their racial identity.

Americans and Racism a reality that continues in America 

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