Guns are now EEO weapons of death and mayhem in America there is no venue , place , space in America that is not vulnerable to the devastation of a Gun(s).
Recently the many public schools in America primarily those with majority Black and Brown students believe that the presence of armed Law Enforcement Officers in public schools has value and merit with regards to safety and order
Of course there are no studies that support this narrative or inference other than the public in America that is paranoid and victims of partisan politics as well as the destructive agendas of police unions and of course media platforms with curated agendas and school boards under assault by conservative extremists and fragile liberals. There is no epidemic of Gun Violence in our public schools in America!
The idea of a Gun anywhere in a public school and classroom is truly terrifying unless of course there is a 911 situation of a domestic terrorist or shooter who is bent on killing innocent students.
Law enforcement officers don’t need their firearms to ‘protect and serve ‘ students especially when many of these public schools already have metal detectors. Law enforcement officers don’t have any role in disciplinary matters nor academic matters in a public school setting.
There is a need now for innovative options to mitigate violence in our schools not armed Police officers. Parents of troubled students should be enlisted to spend a week with their student is more productive than the alternative I just referenced.
Law enforcement officers often are perceived as intimidating and rarely a force of deterrence in an any academic setting or environment.Given the reality of GUN violence in America a cop with a gun is not focused on lesson planning or academic counselling.
Schools should never be a venue for the presence of Guns even under the false premise that law enforcement officers are capable and more responsible and trained to address violent incidents involving Guns in school venues. Show me the data and studies that affirm this narrative.
Educational and Academic achievement should not be in any competition nor part of any Law Enforcement Agenda with regards to GUNS!
We can’t allow our schools to become armed fortresses under any circumstances.